I Don't Believe In Failure

I don’t believe in failure, at least in the traditional sense, the notion of total failure that holds so many of us back and stops us from moving forward is a figment of our imagination. We have all, at some point, experienced pressure to succeed from teachers, bosses and parents. Our minds have been flooded with the idea that we must succeed, so much to the point that we won’t even try out of fear of failure, when it is in fact failure that pushes us closer to towards success, it is failure that teaches us more than success ever could.

Failure, as the concept of something that should be avoided, is a drunken fallacy. Weather it is in sports, exams or starting a blog, it is failure that pushes you closer to success. With every failure, every time you fail and try again, it teaches you a little bit more until you know enough to succeed. Failure is a recipe for success.

This humble blog spot has been a mission of mine for the last 6 month to spread the word of educational and knowledge throughout the world, in retrospective I have failed, I haven't become and internet sensation, become a trend setter or go viral.  This to me, at first was a failure, as at least in my mind we are yet to achieve what we set out to do, This is why, to some extent, I took a break from Break (if you pardon the pun). I needed time to get some perspective which eventually led to me writing this. What I originally thought to be a failure was, in reality, me on the continued road to success.

I have gained far more than I could ever imagine from pursuing this. I never imagined myself as a writer, growing up I was never good at English, naturally being a Maths and Physics guy meant that English had to be my worst subject to compensate. Despite this here I am writing to you with over 20 articles to my name an undisputed achievement. Some may say, even, success.

A more famous failure that might spark your interest is Thomas Edison who was a failed out casted inventor who had failed hundreds of times, before he came across the light bulb. He is famously quoted saying, “I have not failed 10,000 times, I have found 10,000 ways of not succeeding,”

Failure is not the end but just the beginning.