About this Site

Welcome to Break, where we value the endless, unproductive hours of your screen time. Go on. Turn it off. The more time you spend on Break.com, the better, because the more you will learn. You heard me right - learn.

But what will you learn? You might learn why your star sign means very little, and rather why eclipses and asteroids are really cool. You will probably chuckle a bit as we inexperienced few advise you on how to get a job (whilst we resorted to a "start-up") or educate you about the past, having experienced none of it.

So yes, we will do the impossible. We will divert you off of Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and we will keep you here. Why? Because our blogs - and this is a promise - are so enigmatic, so entertaining, so informative, that you will never be able to leave. And if you do, you might break, hence the name. Good luck escaping the algorithm, and enjoy the content.

Here we goooooooooo...


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